Hey friends! I like making games! 2025 is my 7th year of game development. I started in code.org, then went to Roblox Studio sometimes making a game in scratch every now and then. In late 2024, I decided I wanted to move outside of Roblox and thus, here I am on MicroStudio!
Achievements (16)

Regular Level Designer
You spent 30 minutes working on maps, amazing!

Post Impressionism
You spent 2 hours drawing sprites, starts looking like an addiction!

Charles Babbage
You spent 5 hours coding, O.M.G!
Charles Babbage was an English mathematician, philosopher, engineer and inventor. He originated the concept of a programmable general-purpose computer and designed the Analytical Engine.

Active Community Member
You made a public post in the community forum!

Junior Level Designer
You spent 10 minutes working on maps, well done!

You spent 1 hour drawing, amazing!

Joseph Jacquard
You spent 2 hours coding, starts looking like an addiction!
Joseph Jacquard was a French weaver and merchant. He built and demonstrated the Jacquard loom, a programmable mechanized loom controlled by a tape constructed from punched cards.

You spent 30 minutes drawing, well done!

Gottfried Leibniz
You spent 1 hour coding, amazing!
Gottfried Leibniz was a German mathematician, philosopher, scientist and diplomat. He made advances in symbolic logic and his work was crucial for the theoretical foundations of computer science.

Level Design Rookie
You started creating a map, keep it up!

Blaise Pascal
You spent 30 minutes coding, well done!
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher. He invented the mechanical calculator.

Greek Art
You spent 10 minutes drawing, keep it up!

Cave Art
You started drawing!

Al Jazari
You spent 10 minutes coding, keep it up!
Al Jazari was a Muslim scientist, artist, mathematician living in Mesopotamia. He invented an astronomical clock considered the first programmable analog computer.

Trained Programmer
You completed the microStudio programming tutorial series!

Al Khwarizmi
You actually started coding!
Al Khwarizmi was a Persian polymath who produced vastly influential works in mathematics, astronomy, and geography. His name gave rise to the term 'algorithm'.