
Hey, I'm this_name_is_taken. Coding is a hobby to me!

Motto: Programming with procastination

My interest is mostly in coding 'tinker projects', and 3d / real world physics.

Public Projects
Stats & Achievements
3d mini golf (multiplayer)
3d engine (3d projection) with realistic shadows
Basic raycaster for @jme
3d voxel raycaster
online lobby system
3D Platformer
realtime raytracing with pixi.js
map collision example
Marching cubes
3d voxel world raytracer
sprite to sprite collision
3D engine with tri-filling v1
getRGB() bug
3d projection
list-based raycaster
inverse kinematics
3D raymarcher
Punch pathfinder
Punch recursive fractals
3D Back-face culling (triangles)
Raytracer v1
3D sketcher
Raycasted procedurally generated world
Elastic pool ball physics playground